Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chrysalis Hoot -- February 7th

The next Southern Maryland Chrysalis "Hoot" will be on Saturday, February 7, 2009, from 7:00pm to 9:30pm at Trinity UMC, Prince Frederick. All Youth between 8th Grade and College are invited, as well as any adults from the Southern Maryland Emmaus Community. For more information, contact Alan Hemming.

Prayers for Rev. Evan Young

The Rev. Evan Young, who serves as assistant to Bishop Schol, and also serves as a Guide in the Washington Region, is recovering from surgery. Please include Rev. Young in your daily prayers.

Medical Update on Tim Reed and Son

Hi Folks,

Regarding Tim's transplant surgery, both Tim and Jeffrey (Tim's son and live donor) continue to improve after liver transplant surgury. For those who wish to send a card to Tim, please contact me. Preliminary estimates are that Tim could remain in the hospital for a week. Nicole, Jeffrey's wife, thanks all of you for your prayers and support.

De Colores,
Dave Meixner

Spring Walk Applications Due

February 12 is just around the corner!

Pilgrim application deadline is approaching fast! If you are thinking about sponsoring a Pilgrim, please hurry and submit your applications before the 12th!


Consolidated Emmaus Gathering

De Colores!

There will be a combined Gathering on February 21, starting at 5:00pm. This consolidated Gathering will bring all-three zones (North, Central, and South) together for a fun-filled evening at Calvary UMC, Waldorf.

A Potluck dinner will start at 5:00pm, followed by a Gathering at 6:00pm. Childcare will be provided. Bring someone with you. Let's make it the best attended Gathering we've ever had. It's a great opportunity to see people you haven't see in a while. In fact, you are probably just the person someone else has been longing to see.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Chrysalis News Update

Good Morning Southern Maryland Community!

I hope that everyone is having a good year and that God is working through all of you. I have some big news from Chryslais in Southern Maryland. We met last night at our monthly committee meeting and discussed about the upcoming flights/weekends. After some praying we as the committee have decided to postpone the March weekends until a later date.

Our goal is for the fall and it cannot be done without you! We need agape for those future caterpillars/pilgrims and lots and lots of prayer! Also if you feel a youth from 15 to 23 (or 10th grade through college) is ready to see how amazing God's love is send in an application to us! I am so excited for the weekends!

If you cannot send any supplies to support the weekend, make any agape, or sponsor a caterpillar please just pray your socks off for the future flights! If you have any questions, I mean any questions about Chrysalis please email me at or Ken Horne at

Also don't forget that there is a HOOT (gathering) on Feburary 7th at Trinity UM in Prince Fredrick. All are invited and it is a blast for young and old alike. The HOOT starts at 7 pm so be there!

Applications for caterpillars should be attached but if they are not just send me an email and I will get it to you as soon as I can. God Bless and hope to see you at a gathering (or maybe a hOOT too!).

-- FWC,
Alan Hemming

Update on Tim Reed Medical Condition

News update from Dave Meixner (via Dan Brennan):

Hi folks,

An update on Tim Reed's situation, as of Thursday night. Tim and Jeffrey are both done with the surgery, which ran into the early evening. Nicole (Jeffrey's wife) spoke with both surgeons and all went very, very smoothly. She thanks all for their prayers. I have assured her that they are ongoing. Tim was then moved into intensive care (routine for this surgery) and Jeffrey should be moved onto a regular floor soon. Leslie (Tim's wife) says that everyone should be home in a week.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Prayer Request

Our brother, Tim Reed, at First United Methodist will be having a liver transplant on Thursday January 22, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA. Tim’s son, Jeffery, will be donating part of his liver for his Dad. Prayers are needed for Tim, Jeffery, their Family, as well as all the medical staff.

Dave Meixner

Hello Chrysalis Nation!

CiSM will be on this new adventure so make sure to check back every once and awhile to see what is going on in the Chrysalis side of Emmaus!

Alan Hemming

Church Sermons and Web Technologies

I'd like to let everyone within the Southern Maryland Emmaus community know about a wonderful website. It is called SERMON CLOUD and this site is rich in sermons given by all denominations. The site can be found at SERMON CLOUD allows you to post audio, video, and text versions of your sermons.

We recently started to record our sermons at La Plata UMC and needed a host to keep the sermons (both text and audio) on a FREE server. The SERMON CLOUD site provided that, and I have found it relatively simple to use.

If anyone has a question about this website, or any other technological (how to) questions about your church websites, please let me know.

By recording your sermons, you can save them as a .wav formatted file, which can then be placed onto a CD and mailed out to those homebound members of your congregations. This can really improve the quality of their lives.

I've been able to build website for virtually no costs, and it takes no funds to maintain them. A sample of the La Plata website is provided so you can see how the audio sermon can add to your web presence. Visit the site at


Pat Knowland
La Plata UMC

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Volunteers Needed!

The following is from Diane Walker (

Dear Southern Maryland Emmaus and Chrysalis Community,

I'm looking for 4 individuals who would be available on Saturday, January 24 at 9:00 a.m. to help me unload and sort the trailer supplies. We will be meeting at Lexington Park UMC. Our first Chrysalis flight is in March so we need to get our inventory ready. Thank you for this agape!

Diane Walker

Welcome to Southern Maryland Emmaus!

De Colores! We're making progress on putting some technology to use here on the Southern Maryland Emmaus website.

If you are a member of the Southern Maryland Emmaus community and would like to regularly post your comments, please let me know and I'll add you to the BLOG account. My email address is You'll have to sign up for a GOOGLE MAIL (GMAIL) account, and use that address to post.

It is an excellent way to get information out to everyone quickly and accurately. So please mark this page, and refer to it often!


Pat Knowland